Calendar for February 2025 |
Today is Saturday 15th February
Groups that do not have a regular schedule (ask group contact for details)
Trips Further Afield
Meets at: various locations
Members On Their Own
Meets at: various venues
Chromatic Harmonica
Meets at: Members' Homes
Meets at: Central Baths
Dementia Choir
Meets at: Stanborough Centre
Visiting Art Galleries
Meets at: various locations
Calendar schedule for all other groups
M O N D A Y | ||||
03-Feb | 10-Feb | 17-Feb | 24-Feb | |
Line Dancing Intermediate 10:00 All Saints Church Hall Cookery 10:00 members' homes Line Dancing Beginners 11:15 All Saints Church Hall Bridge 13:30 ASDA Art Group 13:30 YMCA Woodlands Hub, Leavesden Country Park Bowls Outdoor Joint with Woodside 14:00 Garston Bowls Club Philosophy 14:00 members' homes Play Reading Monday 14:00 Garston Fire Station Manic Mondays 14:00 leader's house Canasta 2 14:00 ASDA Community Rooms All Things American 19:30 members' homes | Bowls Outdoor Joint with Woodside 14:00 Garston Bowls Club Mah Jong 14:00 ASDA Wine Appreciation 14:00 Orbital Community Hub Racketball 14:00 Woodside Leisure Centre Wine Appreciation 2 14:00 leader's home | Strollers 09:50 various venues Film Group 10:00 BRE Cafe (at Building Research Establishment, Bucknalls Lane Line Dancing Intermediate 10:00 All Saints Church Hall Maths 10:30 members' homes Line Dancing Beginners 11:15 All Saints Church Hall Bridge 13:30 ASDA Bowls Outdoor Joint with Woodside 14:00 Garston Bowls Club Creative Writing 14:00 Church of the Nazarene Fun Singers 14:00 ASDA Local History 3 14:00 One YMCA Orbital Community HUB Backgammon 14:00 ASDA Manic Mondays 14:00 leader's house | Explore London Walks 10:45 various places in London Bowls Outdoor Joint with Woodside 14:00 Garston Bowls Club Mah Jong 14:00 ASDA Racketball 14:00 Woodside Leisure Centre | |
T U E S D A Y | ||||
04-Feb | 11-Feb | 18-Feb | 25-Feb | |
Table Tennis 10:00 Orbital Community Hub Flight Inspirations 10:00 Zoom talks Garden Group 10:30 Stanborough Centre, Williams Room Croquet 10:30 Clarence Park, St Albans | Drama 10:00 ASDA Spanish Advanced 11:00 various venues, contact Neville for details Pickleball 12:30 Bushey Grove Leisure Centre Engineering Heritage 14:00 Ricky RC Church Hall, Park Road, Ricky Photography 19:30 leader's home | Table Tennis 10:00 Orbital Community Hub Explore London Places 10:45 London - various Quiz Group 14:00 members' homes (and via Zoom) Canasta 14:00 Asda Community Room 3 Crafting 14:30 Garston Fire Station | Drama 10:00 ASDA Spanish Advanced 11:00 various venues, contact Neville for details Pickleball 12:30 Bushey Grove Leisure Centre | |
W E D N E S D A Y | ||||
05-Feb | 12-Feb | 19-Feb | 26-Feb | |
German for beginners 10:00 Mike's house Bowls 13:45 Watford Bowls Club, Cassiobury Park Geology 14:00 members' homes Badminton Joint with Woodside 14:00 Woodside Leisure Centre | Woodside Walk 5 09:50 various locations German conversation 10:00 members' homes Patchwork & Quilting 10:00 members' homes Dinghy Sailing 13:00 Rickmansworth Sailing Club Bowls 13:45 Watford Bowls Club, Cassiobury Park History 14:00 ASDA Badminton Joint with Woodside 14:00 Woodside Leisure Centre | Coach Trips 1 09:00 Stanborough Centre, St Albans Road. German for beginners 10:00 Mike's house Bowls 13:45 Watford Bowls Club, Cassiobury Park Badminton Joint with Woodside 14:00 Woodside Leisure Centre Maths Revisited 14:30 Leader's house | Wednesday Walkers 09:50 various locations Play Reading Wednesday 10:00 Garston Fire Station German conversation 10:00 members' homes Sound & Vision, Photography 10:00 All Saints Church Hall Lunch Club Wednesday 12:00 various venues Dinghy Sailing 13:00 Rickmansworth Sailing Club Bowls 13:45 Watford Bowls Club, Cassiobury Park Interesting People 14:00 Orbital Community Hub Badminton Joint with Woodside 14:00 Woodside Leisure Centre Book Club 14:00 leader's home in Abbots Langley or suitable venue Folk Dancing 14:15 The Scroll Church, The Harebreaks, WD24 6NF | |
T H U R S D A Y | ||||
06-Feb | 13-Feb | 20-Feb | 27-Feb | |
Yoga 09:45 Stanborough Centre Walkers 10:00 various locations French Conversation 10:30 members' homes Keep Fit 10:30 Leavesden Green Community Hub (off Clarke Way), WD5 0BW Cribbage 14:00 ASDA Room 2 Spanish beginners conversation 14:00 leader's house | Yoga 09:45 Stanborough Centre Keep Fit 10:30 Leavesden Green Community Hub (off Clarke Way), WD5 0BW Ukulele 14:00 YMCA Leavesden & Garston Fire Station Book Discussion 14:30 ASDA | Yoga 09:45 Stanborough Centre Walk 5 09:50 various locations Easy Listening 10:00 Leader's Home French Conversation 10:30 members' homes Keep Fit 10:30 Leavesden Green Community Hub (off Clarke Way), WD5 0BW Lunch Club Thursday 12:15 various venues Spanish beginners conversation 14:00 leader's house | Yoga 09:45 Stanborough Centre Pathfinders 09:50 various locations Keep Fit 10:30 Leavesden Green Community Hub (off Clarke Way), WD5 0BW Coach Trips 2 12:00 coach departure point Ukulele 14:00 YMCA Leavesden & Garston Fire Station | |
F R I D A Y | ||||
07-Feb | 14-Feb | 21-Feb | 28-Feb | |
Ten Pin Bowling 09:50 Hollywood Bowl, Garston Music Lovers 10:00 leader's home Italian for Fun 10:00 Mike's house Sequence Dancing 14:00 All Saints Church Hall | Scrabble 14:00 ASDA Friday Singers 14:00 All Saints Church, All Saints Crescent, Leavesden | Italian for Fun 10:00 Mike's house Money Matters 11:00 leader's home Scrabble 14:00 ASDA | Italian Conversation 10:00 Leaders house Lunch Club Friday 13:00 various venues |