Flight Inspirations:    Part of the u3a educational programme

Contact information:

(or contact us if you are not a member)

If you are the group leader or a second contact who is a South West Herts u3a member, the email will contain a link to change or add information on this page (day of week/month,schedule, meeting time, description etc).


Meets monthly, first week of month on a Tuesday at 10:00


Zoom talks

FLIGHT INSPIRATIONS (see details on Page 7)

Contact:  Barbara Cordina barbaracordina@btinternet.com and Don Mobley oneisbingo@gmail.com

To register for the Flight Inspirations u3a Aviation group please email either of the contacts above. These talks are part of the u3a educational programme so you can also book directly with Eventbrite via the national website – www.u3a.org.uk/events/educational-events


Copyright © 2020 South West Herts u3a